Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 341

Day 341 Today was Christmas tree day. I was thinking of picking up our tree earlier this week but just couldn't bring myself to venture out into the cold and throw a tree on top of my car. I was hoping the weather might be a little bit warmer, but no such luck. So inevitably, I had to throw a tree on top of my car in the cold anyway.

I called my friend Steve to be my tree helper. Sometimes these trees are covered with snow and can be really heavy. We went to Home Depot with Nicole and found a nice fat tree. With Steve's help I was able to hoist this thing on the roof of my car, then Nicole, using her special tie down skills was able to fasten it securely.

The tree and the straps made a funny humming sound as we drove home. The wind made it feel like I had sail on top of my car. When we got home we carried it inside and set the tree up on the stand. I really couldn't car if we had a real tree or a fake tree but Nicole loves the real ones, so it's worth the effort.

My workout today was going to be a short one. After dropping off my buddy Steve from his Christmas tree duties, I went to the gym and tried to get a sweat going. I didn't have a ton of energy today, so I had a feeling it wasn't going to be a stellar effort.

Today's Workout:

Stationary Bike: 10 minutes Level 12 / 95 rpm

Rowing Machine: 200 metre Repeats sub 45 seconds intervals 30 seconds rest 5 Intervals

50 push-ups

I wanted to do more than I accomplished tonight but I just didn't have the enthusiasm to do anymore. I can think of other places I'd rather be a 6:00 on a Saturday night than the gym. If the weather was better I might have gone for a run, but I think I'd had enough time in the cold over the last couple days.

I think tomorrow I'm going to do my best to stay inside as much as possible. I have a yoga dvd I downloaded from itunes that I think I'll use for my workout. I want to train really hard in the coming week, so I think a recovery, more regenerative day will help make that possible.