Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 340

Day 340 As I mentioned yesterday, today was the day I was helping a friend move into his new house. To say I had my reservations about moving furniture in snowy minus 25 temperatures, would be an understatement. However, my friend Dietmar helped me move in similar conditions, so it was only fair that I returned the favor.

We got started a little bit later than expected. He had his things packed up in a storage container that was being delivered to his house. Unfortunately because of the weather, the first truck they tried to send broke down. When a second truck was send things still weren't exactly straight forward. Because of the deep snow, lowering the storage container off the truck onto the right spot was a little tricky. At one point Dietmar and I were worried that the guy running the truck was going to get crushed under the container.

Thankfully, no one died and we were able to start moving things into the house. My friend Steve and one of Dietmar's tennis students, Austin, were also there to help out. Aside from a couple beds and a couch, there weren't too many large pieces of furniture. I had to take a few short breaks to let my fingers and toes warm-up. After about an hour an a half we managed to get most of the things moved into the house, so in the end it really wasn't that big a job. That being said, it was bloody cold and not a ton of fun.

I went back to work after the move and took a 30 minute shower to try and warm-up. This was great except for the fact that as the blood returned to my fingers and toes, they felt like they were on fire. I know, I'm complaining a lot. After thawing out and feeling like a warm blooded human I got into some lifting.

Today's Workout:

On top of moving furniture in the cold.

Exercise 1: barbell hang snatch 4 sets / 6 reps / 3 min rest Set 1: 95lbs x 6 Set 2: 115lbs x 6 Set 3: 115lbs x 6 Set 4: 125lbs x 6

Exercise. 2: Front Squats 4 sets / 5 reps / 3 min rest Set 1: 155lbs x 6 Set 2: 175lbs x 6 Set 3: 175lbs x 6 Set 4: 175lbs x 6

Exercise 3: Barbell Deadlift 4 sets / 5 reps / 3 min rest Set 1: 185lbs x 6 Set 2: 185lbs x 6 Set 3: 205lbs x 6 Set 4: 205lbs x 6

By the end of the day I was very tired. The moving in the cold was pretty tiring but adding the lifting afterward left me exhausted. That being said, it was a very satisfying feeling to know that I expended so much energy.

I'm quite happy with how this week panned out, exercise wise. I think the next couple days will be a little more low key. I've put in a lot of work over the last few days and deserve to take it a little easier for a couple days.