Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 335 (Actually 336)

Day 335 (Apparently I still can't do math. This is actually day 336. I will somehow have to found out where my math went wrong. As I said awhile back, I think when I transitioned from facebook to this blog I must have numbered my days incorrectly somewhere. Once again though, I promise I have not missed a day) Today, like the rest of Alberta, I woke up to full power of the great white north on display. Getting out of my bed was especially difficult. I think bears are on to something, by sleeping through winter.

I found it difficult to get my body going all day. It just felt cold and slow. I thought about getting in a morning workout but decided to wait until later when I felt a little more alive. Eventually I managed to bring myself to get going around 3 in the afternoon, about an hour before the sun went down. Although it never really felt like it came up.

With yesterday being a strictly strength based workout, I decided to hit up some cardio and general conditioning.

Today's Workout:

2000 metre row: 7:56

Kettlebell Ladder: 32 kg x 10 / no rest 24 kg x 20 / no rest 20 kg x 30 / 2 min rest

Versa Climber: 100 feet (45 seconds) x 5 / 45 seconds rest

This session was pretty straight forward. Work hard, rest, then work hard a different way. The 2000 metres on the rower was interesting. I've been doing a lot of shorter distance intervals, so something more continuous was a change of pace. The kettlebell ladder was really tough. Starting with the 32 kilograms was hard, but continuing right after with the 24 kilograms for 20 reps was really hard. The versa climber as usual just plain sucked.

The weather is supposed to be pretty awful for the next couple days. Getting the energy up is going to be a little harder than usual but I guess that's to be expected in December. The other day Nicole picked up this special light that simulates day light. The idea is to sit in front of it for 10 - 15 minutes a day. As I mentioned in an earlier post, sun light helps regulate our circadium rhythm, which in turns helps regulate sleep. On top of regulating sleep sun light helps our brain produce serotonin. Serotonin makes you feel good, it makes you feel up. Lack of sun light can create a deficit in Serotonin leading to feelings of being down and lethargic. My hope is that this light will help me sleep and feel a little more energetic during the day. No winter blues for me.