Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 337

Day 337 Today was just as cold and miserable as yesterday, but I felt much better. I woke up feeling a lot less tired and was a lot more enthusiastic about getting on with my day. I decided that I should take advantage of the extra energy and challenge myself. I haven't been very happy with my Olympic lifting lately, so I thought I'd today I might make some improvements.

Today's Workout:

AM Session

Exercise 1: Power Clean - 3 min rest Set 1: 5 x 100lbs Set 2: 5 x 100lbs Set 3: 3 x 165lbs Set 4: 3 x 165lbs Set 5: 3 x 165lbs

Exercise 2: Barbell Overhead Lunge - 2 min rest Set 1: 8 x 95lbs (4 per side) Set 2: 8 x 115lbs (4 per side) Set 3: 8 x 115lbs (4 per side) Set 4: 8 x 115lbs (4 per side)

I thought the cleans and lunges were going to be it for my workout today but I ended up having a cancellation at the end of my day. I still and hour before picking Nicole up at work, so this left me with some extra time to sneak in some auxiliary exercises.

PM Session

Superset 1

Exercise 3: Box Pistol Squat 3 sets / 10 reps per side / no rest - Body Weight all sets

Exercise 4: Prone Leg Curl 3 sets / 8 reps / 60 seconds rest - 130lbs all sets

Superset 2

Exercise 5: Weighted Back Extension 3 sets / 10 reps / no rest - 45lbs all sets

Exercise 6: Seated Calf Raise 3 sets / 10 reps / no rest - 90lbs all sets

Skipping Double Unders: 4 sets / 50 reps / 30 seconds rest

I didn't manage to get much done in my second session. I kind of mulled over what I wanted to do for my exercises for awhile. I ended up wasting quite a bit of time before finally deciding what to do. I was keen to work out but I guess my enthusiasm didn't match my energy.

Last Friday, I did some Olympic lifting but wasn't very happy with my efforts. Today I felt a lot better about how I did. I made a conscious decision not to go as heavy, but I still challenged myself. My cleans didn't feel as slow or as awkward as Friday. Last week I was ridiculously tired. Today, I felt much better. I may have been a bit tired during the second session, but I'm happy that the morning was very satisfying.