Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 334

Day 334 I woke up feeling much better today. I'm sure why, but I slept much better last night. The most probable reason was that exhaustion finally caught up to me. Anyway, I was very happy to not be walking around like a zombie today. Especially seeing as it was a cost-co, Ikea double wammy today.

For my workout I tried something a little more challenging than yesterday's. I went to the gym a little bit before going dinner at Nicole's Dad's, so that I could try to get my appetite going a bit. The massive mucho burrito a had while shopping today, was a tall order for my body to digest.

Today's Workout:

Exercise 1:Barbell Push-Press 4 sets / 10 reps / 2 min rest Set 1: 115lbs  x 10 Set 2: 115lbs x 10 Set 3: 135lbs x 10 Set 4: 135lbs x 10


Exercise 2: Chin-up Extended Set: 4 sets / * / 90 seconds rest * each set began with wide grip pull-ups to failure followed by 15 seconds rest, then underhand grip chin-up to failure, followed by 15 seconds rest, then neutral grip chin-ups to failure.

Exercise 3: Barbell Overhead Press 4 sets / 10 - 12 reps / 90 seconds rest All sets used 95lbs for 12 reps

Dumbbell Shoulder Complex: 3 sets / no rest after rowing machine / 20lbs for all sets

  • Lateral Raise: 10 reps
  • Fwd Raise: 10 reps
  • Reverse Fly: 10 reps
  • Rowing Machine 200 metres

It felt good to be able to put forth a decent effort in the gym today. Especially considering how useless I felt today. How I sleep tonight is still up the air, but at least with one good night under my belt, I feel better about starting a new week tomorrow.

Guess what less than a month to go.