Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 319

Day 319 This morning Nicole and I, like the rest of Calgary, woke up to a blizzard. This would have been a perfect morning to sleep in and hibernate under the covers but we had other plans. As I mentioned in yesterday's post, Nicole had volunteered us to take part in a charity kickboxing class, so instead of hiding from the elements we braved the roads and did some kicking and punching for a good cause.

Today's Workout:

60 minute Kickboxing Class

The class was a lot of fun. It wasn't the type of kickboxing class that Nicole does as part of her training. The people in this class were fitness newbies looking for a workout and not martial artists like Nicole. That being said, it was set up in such a way that really anyone of any fitness level could get a great workout if they worked hard enough. Instead of someone holding pads for you, you shared a kind of stand up punching bag called a wave blaster and did your punching and kicking with that.

I've never done any kickboxing myself, so I watched Nicole go to town on the wave blaster we were sharing and tried to copy her. She was going so fast that I had hard time keeping track of what she was doing. I did my best and eventually caught on pretty well, although my left kicks looked pretty funny. By the time the class was over I had worked up a decent sweat and shoulders were quite tired.

I may have been a little less than enthused about driving in the snow this morning, but I'm glad we went to this class. The money raised went to the Children's Hospital and I got in a fun workout. The people were so friendly and so helpful. This guy decked out head to toe in spandex was so concerned about me me wearing long pants and not having a water bottle that he kept offering me a sip of his water bottle. All in all it was great way to start a Saturday morning.