Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 320

Day 320 i was feeling really tired and lazy today. I put off going to the gym all day but eventually dragged myself to the gym about an hour before dinner. When I got there I had a hard time deciding what I wanted to do. I put on my Olympic weightlifting shoes, thinking that I might work on some cleans or snatches but when I finally got down to business, I just couldn't bring myself to set up the bar. I wasn't really in an Olympic lifting kind of mindset. However, I did managed to get something done. After a little bit of warm-up I finally decided to just do a couple light strength circuits.

Today's Workout:

Quad Set 1:

Exercise 1: Pistol Squat 3 sets / 10 reps per side / no rest Set 1: Body Weight x 10 per side Set 2: 16kg Kettlebell x 10 per side Set 3: 16kg Kettlebell (x 2) x 10 per side

Exercise 2: Dumbbell Curl to Press 3 sets / 15 reps / no rest Set 1: 20lbs x 15 Set 2: 30lbs x 15 Set 3: 35lbs x 15

Exercise 3: Single Leg Romanian Deadlift 3 sets / 10 reps per side / no rest Set 1: 16kg Kettlbell x 10 per side Set 2: 16kg Kettlebell x 10 per side Set 3: 16kg Kettlebell (x2) x 10 per side

Exercise 4: 1/2 Kneeling Cable Chop (Keiser) 3 sets / 15 reps per side / 60 seconds rest Set 1: 30lbs x 15 per side Set 2: 30lbs x 15 per side Set 3: 30lbs x 15 per side

Quad Set 2:

Exercise 1: X-Pulldown 2 sets / 12 reps / no rest Set 1: 15lbs x 12 Set 2: 17.5lbs x 12

Exercise 2: Single Leg Swiss Ball Leg Curl 2 sets / 10 reps per side / no rest Set 1 and 2: Body Weight

Exercise 3: Leg Blaster Step-up 2 sets / 50 reps per leg / no rest Set 1 and 2: Body Weight

Exercise 4: Diamond Tricep Push-ups 2 sets / 40 reps / 60 seconds rest Set 1 and 2: Body Weight

I felt much more awake after the workout. I had trouble getting started but once I got going things worked out pretty well and I felt a lot more motivated. It wasn't heavy squats or cleans or even chin-ups but overall this series of exercises was quite taxing. The pistol squats when the got heavier were especially difficult.

I don't for see the coming presenting me with any unforeseen challenges. I hoping I'm start a strong push towards the end of the year. Only 45 more days. It's amazing how fast this year has gone by and the yet the last few weeks still seems like a big chunk of time. Oh well, have to keep going. The end is close but the plan is the same. Just one day at a time.