Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 318

Day 318 Well the weekend is here and my body has survived quite well. This time last week I wasn't feeling so good. My back was really not very happy but I'm happy to say today I feel really good. I'm still quite sore from the work I've put in over the last few days but it's a good kind of sore. My body feels like its been testing but nothing hurts in a bad way.

Today I decided to do another metabolic conditioning workout. It wasn't exactly a circuit but the rest periods were short and the exercises had a very high metabolic demand. I tried throwing in some higher rep Olympic lifting. I'm not typically a big fan of this and it may be a bit of a risk with my back, but I thought if I just pushed things to the fringe of too much, and didn't go too heavy that things should be ok.

Today's Workout:

Stationary Bike: 50 Calories

Exercise 1: Power Clean 5 sets / 10 reps / 45 seconds rest Set 1: 135lbs x 10 Set 2: 135lbs x 10 Set 3: 135lbs x 8 Set 4: 135lbs x 8 Set 5: 135lbs x 7

This part my have been a bit too ambitious. The reps were a bit too high and the rest was a bit too short. My forearms gave out towards the end of the 3rd set but the good news is that my lower back held up.

Treadmill Sprints: 8 mph / 11% grade 20 sec on / 10 sec off x 4

Tri-Set: 3 Rounds / no rest

Exercise 2: Jam Ball Slams x 10 (30lbs) Exercise 3: TRX Inverted Row x 10 Exercise 4: Lunges x 10 (5 per side)

Rowing Machine: 500 metres (1:52)

I was going to throw in a kettlebell ladder, involving 3 kettlebells, one heavy, one medium and one light. The idea is to do 10 swings with the heavy one, 20 swings with the medium one, and 30 swings with the light one. It can be quite a challenge if your kettlebells are heavy enough. However, I decided to give it a pass altogether. My back had survived the power clean test earlier on, but I didn't feel like pushing my luck. I had gotten a really good workout in to this point and was satisfied with what I had accomplished.

Tomorrow is Saturday and I don't have to work, which I'm looking forward to. I might get skip the gym altogether, in which I guess my workout will have to be a little different than most days. Nicole has volunteered the two of us for a charity Kickboxing workout. I've never done kickboxing before so it will be interesting to see how I do.