Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 291

Day 291 Once again today, I had to change my plans. I thought I had a big window this afternoon from 1 until 4 to do my workout and get some lunch but I was mistaken. The two clients normally at 1 and at 2 I thought were away were actually in town, meaning that lunch would have to wait until at least 3. Last week I ran into a similar situation, where my lunch and workout had to be push into a small window later than anticipated. On that occasion I made the mistake of woofing down my lunch prior to my workout. This left me with an upset stomach and not really being able to perform too well during my workout. Today I decided to skip out on the upset stomach and do my workout before my lunch.

Today's Workout:

30 minutes of Cardio: 15 minutes of Stationary Bike (Level 12 / 85 - 90 rpm) 15 minutes of Skipping (Singles - Random Footwork patterns)

I started on the bike, thinking that I would do some intervals and get a good sweat going but physically and mentally, I just didn't have it. I was so hungry and sitting on the bike seemed like it was taking forever. After 15 minutes I hopped off and grabbed a skipping rope. I find the rhythm of skipping somewhat meditative and easier to get into than sitting on a machine.

It may have only been half an hour and by no means a very dynamic workout but it was enough to earn a sweat and my lunch. A few of my workouts lately have left me pretty sore and ache, so something like today's session was probably good for me anyway. Tomorrow, should be more interesting. Unless something really strange happens, I should adequate time for both a workout and all of my meals.