Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 290

Day 290 For my workout today I decided to do a full body strength workout. I was originally thinking about spending most of the session doing some heavy front squats but my lower back and hip flexors were a little stiff from the burpees yesterday, so I decided to pass on the heavy stuff. I did however, get back to the bench press. My shoulders having been feeling a lot better since seeing Helena last week so I thought I'd test them out a bit.

I also decided today would be a good day to beef up my supplement protocol. As I push toward the end of the year I'm not taking any chances, so I want to give myself the best chance possible of finishing strong. Up to this point, I haven't much more than protein powder, vitamin C, and fish oils. Today I added the following items.

Morning: Zyflammend (Herbal Anti-Inflammatory)

Pre-Workout: Beta-Alanine for work capacity + lactic acid buffering Biosteel High Performance Sports Drink (B Vitamins, Branch Chain Amino Acids, Electrolytes) for energy, recovery, and hydration

Post-Workout:Glutamine for recovery Creatine Monohydrate to replace used stores from lifting Alpha Lipoic Acid for anti-oxidant support and to assist in loading the creatine

Today's Workout:

Superset 1:

Exercise 1: Barbell Bench Press - 185lbs all sets 4 sets / 6 - 8 reps / 90 seconds rest

Exercise 2: Prone Leg Curl - 150 lbs 4 sets / 4 - 6 reps / * 5 second negative / 90 seconds rest

Superset 2:

Exercise 3: Kettlebell Walking Lunge - 18kg per side 4 sets / 10 per side / no rest

Exercise 4: Landmine Chest Press - Bar + 45lbs 4 sets / 10 per side / no rest

Exercise 5: Renegade Row (Plank Db Row) - 45lbs per side 4 sets / 10 per side / 2 min rest

It's funny how supplements work. The placebo effect is quite powerful. I was under no delusion that these supplements were going to make me superman, but the fact that I had taken them made me want to get the most out of my workout. After doing the bench, which went pretty well, I had a tough time deciding what to do. My lower back had loosened up, so I thought about doing the front squats after all but in the end I decided to save them for another day. I ended up throwing together a pretty tough tri-set. The weights weren't overly heavy but the 3 exercises sequenced together was very difficult.

t's funny how supplements work. The placebo effect is quite powerful. I was under no delusion that these supplements were going to make me superman, but the fact that I had taken them made me want to get the most out of my workout. I was particularly organized today, so I spent a little too much time figuring out what I wanted to do, but when I did get down to work I felt really focused and keen to work hard. In the end I had a very satisfying workout. Did the supplements help? I think they did. Was the effect partly placebo? Probably but who cares all that matters is that I got what I wanted, which was a good workout.