Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 292

Day 292 I wasn't sure how today's workout was going to go. Last night was one of the worst sleeps I've had all year. I don't typically sleep too well in general but last night was particularly bad. I went to a wine and cheese fundraiser for a friend last night. I had a glass of wine and a couple brownies. I don't typically drink during the week and certainly don't have brownies late a night but I was weak and gave into temptation. It was probably 5:00 am by the time I finally fell asleep. I usually get out of bed at 5:30. Luckily I didn't start until 9 instead of my usual 7 today. However, that didn't really seem to matter. When I finally woke up at 8, I felt completely useless, so useless that I actually called my 9 o'clock client and cancelled. I felt bad for cancelling but I would have felt worse if she had paid for what would have been sub par service.

I eventually got out of bed around 9, pulled myself together and made my way to work for my 10. I managed to do a decent job with my first couple clients then luckily was able to take advantage of a couple hour break. As the day went on I felt a lot better. My 3:00 client was nice enough to allow me be their workout partner. She actually really enjoys Olympic lifting a lot, so it was fun to work out with her today.

Today's Workout:

Olympic Lifting: Snatch Technique Focus

Set 1: Snatch Pull x 5 Set 2: Snatch Pull x 5 Set 3: Snatch (Hang) x 5 Set 4: Snatch (Hang) x 5 Set 5: Squat Snatch x 5 Set 6: Squat Snatch x 5 Set 7: Squat Snatch x 5


Exercise 1: Overhead Squat: 4 sets / 10 reps / no rest Exercise 2: Archer Pull-ups: 4 sets / 5 reps per side / 60 seconds rest

500 metre Row PR Attempt: Crashed out at 300 m

I was happy to find enough energy to workout. The lifting went pretty well. I was focusing mostly on technique, so I didn't go very heavy, but I still got a lot of work in. I tried to go for another 500 metre PB today, but I absolutely died around 300 metres. I just completely hit the wall. I felt a little defeated but I'll try again.

Later in the evening I had my conditioning group. I didn't join in with the bulk of the workout but I felt like I needed to redeem myself for crashing out in the rowing earlier, so I joined in for the last part of the workout.

"Death By Burpees"

Each minute do the prescribed number of burpees. The rest time is whatever time is left of the 1 minute interval.

Minute 1 / 1 burpee Minute 2 / 2 burpees Minute 3 / 3 burpees Minute 4 / 4 burpees etc

We were only going to do 10 intervals, so I decided to use 45 second intervals instead of 1 minute. It started off pretty easy, but as we moved into the later intervals the rest period started becoming insufficient. By the time we finished the last interval, we were pretty cooked.

Well I'm hoping for a better night's sleep tonight. I've had no wine or brownies, so at least I'm off to a better start.