Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 289

Day 289 Today was one of those days where physically I was ripe for a really hard workout. I slept in until 9:30 this morning, had a big breakfast, a great lunch, and some downtime on the couch. So when I got to the gym I was thinking lets make this one count. I didn't want to do a big lift. I wanted to get under the bar for some heavy squats tomorrow, so today would be tough from a more energy system / metabolic standpoint.

Today's Workout:

After 20 minutes of foam rolling and mobility work.

Part One:

500 m Row PR (Personal Record) 1:36 - My goal is get under 1:30

Part Two:

Double Unders (Skipping): 50 Burpees: 10 For 5 rounds - averaging about 30 - 40 seconds between rounds

- I didn't time this workout. I'd never done it before and just wanted to do it well. I'll try it again sometime soon and see how I fair against the clock.

Yesterday I was predicting that motivation would be low today. My prediction for the most part was wrong. I was really quite keen to work hard. However, I still didn't want to spend a ton of time in the gym today. My actual workout, not including rolling and mobility work took about 20 minutes, so it wasn't very long but I felt it was still very effective. Plus Sunday workouts are nice because I feel I have time to warm-up thoroughly.

As I mentioned earlier, I'm looking to get into some lifting again tomorrow. Last week, I had a few various aches and pains but as I today, I'm feeling pretty good. Hopefully tomorrow and for the rest of the coming week, I can train well and push through some tough workouts.