Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 280

Day 280 My body for some reason was quite sore today. I guess the last couple days took a bigger toll on me than I thought they would. I wanted to do bench today but my right shoulder was nagging me a bit. Ever since the badminton tournament last weekend my right arm from my wrist to my shoulder has been a bit sore. Nothing seems truly injured, just really fired up from doing something I hadn't done for a very long time.

I had a few openings in my day that I dedicated to some rolling and other soft tissue methods. I found a pretty fierce upper spine mobilizer technique that worked really well. It was not a lot of fun but wow did it give me some relief. Check it out below.

My legs were really tired and stiff today as well, so in the end I decided to give both my legs and my shoulders a break. Nicole was working on some kickboxing with a friend for a little over an hr after work. To kill time while I waited for Nicole to finish I through together a pretty random series of core focused exercises.

Today's Workout

Superset 1

Exercise 1: Bubka Hanging Leg Raises 3 sets / 8 reps / no rest

Exercise 2: Kettlebell Suitcase Carry 3 sets / 30 sec per side /60 sec rest (32 kg)

Exercise 3: Turkish Get-up 2 sets / 5 reps per side / 60 sec rest

Superset 2

Exercise 4: Lalanne Push-ups (I didn't do these as well as the video but I wasn't bad) 2 sets / 10 reps / no rest

Exercise 5: 1/2 Kneeling Forward Stability Chop 2 sets / 10 reps per side / 60 sec rest


Exercise 6: TRX Body Saw 2 sets / 10 reps / no rest

Exercise 7: Anti-Rotation Cable Press 2 sets / 10 reps (2 sec holds) / no rest

Exercise 8: Back Extensions 2 sets / 20 reps / no rest

Exercise 9: Inverted Kettlebell Carry 2 sets / 30 seconds per side (16 kg) / 60 sec rest

This workout was actually quite challenging. It didn't aggravate any areas I was trying protect but it was difficult. I have a feel my abs will be talking to me in the morning. As I mentioned earlier, I don't think the shoulder will be problem long term. I felt babying it for a couple days would avoid developing anything chronic. I'll try get in for Active Release early on next week but my hope is that in the next couple days, if I'm smart, I won't actually need any treatment.