Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 281

Day 281 Being the day before Thanksgiving, Nicole and I had a quite few errands to get finished for the big feast tomorrow. By the time we had done most of the things on our list, the day was pretty much gone. We were meeting some friends for dinner, so I didn't have a lot of time to get in a workout. I decided that instead of heading to the gym for a quick workout, that I would finish the rest of our list and get a workout at the same time. Instead of driving to last few spots to pick up our items I decided to ride my bike instead.

I made the most out of the bike ride by choosing a very in-direct route to my various destinations. Overall, I probably rode about 15 kilometres in 35 minutes. I made a point of including a pretty long and steep hill towards the beginning of my ride and riding fairly fast when I had enough space to build up speed. I stopped at the cheese place to pick up appetizers and pastries, then to the organic food supermarket for some other various items.

It wasn't an overly difficult workout but it was good exercise. The hill was really quite tough and when I got home I was definitely sweating. It won't put much of a dent in the amount of calories I'm about to consume over the next couple days but it's something.