Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 279

Day 279 By the time today came around I hadn't done much in terms of high heart rate stuff. I've been joining my conditioning group on most Mondays and Wednesdays lately. This typically gets my heart and lungs pumping pretty well. This week however, I've been nursing my heel so I skipped out on the group sessions this week. I did manage to get some lifting in, which actually left me quite sore today, so I figured today would be a good day to unload a bit and get some cardio in.

Today's Workout:

1. 1000 metre Row (4:00 min)

2. Body Weight Circuit: As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes

  • Chin-ups 10 reps
  • Push-ups 20 reps
  • Air Squats 30 reps = 1 round

Completed 5 Rounds

3. Stationary Bike Intervals

1 min / Level 10 / 80 rpm 20 sec / Level 18 / 80 rpm 20 sec / Level 5 / 80 rpm 20 sec / Level 18 / 80 rpm x 5

My legs were a little tired from the cleans and squats from yesterday. The air squats weren't too bad but by the time I got to the bike my legs were fried. However, it was nice to get a good solid sweat going. The weights are fun, but it's still nice to get that heart rate up and keep it there for a while. I'm not likely to take up marathon running any time soon, but I am willing to admit I can enjoy crushing it on the bike from time to time.