Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 268

Day 268 Today was a very busy Sunday. I've been setting up a lot of new training programs lately, which means a lot of time on the computer. On top of writing programs today I also had a long list of things to do around the house. So all in all my I was a busy guy today.

I managed to get most of my tasks done but I ended up running out of time for the workout I had planned. I wanted to get to the gym and ride the bike and maybe do a little core but Nicole and I had to be at her Dad's house for dinner in less than an hr. I still needed to get to the club to use the printer in the office, so I decided to kill two birds with one stone. Instead of driving to work, I decided I ride my bike. It's not very far away but I figured if I really pushed it I could get a good workout out of the bike ride.

Today's Workout

Bike Ride to Work and Back (Fast as I could)

I managed to get to work, print off my files and back home in less than 30 minutes. My lungs were fired up and my legs were really tired, so although it wasn't what I had originally planned it was still really productive. It was also a lot more enjoyable than riding a stationary bike and not going anywhere.