Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 267

Day 267 For my workout today, I decided to escape to Heaven's Fitness instead of the Glencoe, so that I could enjoy some anonymity. The gym there is especially quiet on weekends and the only people that know me for the most part are other instructors that pop in from time to time. I enjoy being around people but sometimes it's nice to have some time to yourself.

Today's Workout:

Auxiliary Strength Circuit: 3 sets / no rest between exercises

  1. Prone Y's (1 arm at a time) x 10 each
  2. Prone T's x 10
  3. Prone W's x 10
  4. Tricep Rope Pulldowns x 15
  5. Db Split Squat (Front Foot on Lifting Platform) x 12 each
  6. Single Arm Cable Chest Press x 12 each
  7. Swiss Ball Hamstring Curl x 15
  8. Single Arm Cable Row x 12 each
  9. 1/2 Kneeling Downward Cable Chop x 10 each
  10. Db Zottman Curls x 12 (5 second negatives)

This workout took less than 40 minutes. I guess when there's no one to talk to you get things done a little quicker. It wasn't a huge calorie burner but as I tend to say a lot, it got my sweating, which was good as Nicole and I were going to our neighbors later on to feast on Indian food. My conscience will be a little less troubled as I dig into the nan bread.