Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 252

Day 252 This week was pretty busy. For one reason or another the earliest I got home was 9:30 pm and the latest I woke up 5:30 am. Needless to say I'm a little tired tonight as I write this. My plan tonight is to get to bed earlier tonight and take advantage of a later start tomorrow.

My workout today followed the weeks trend of traditional body building based exercises and rep ranges. The aches and pains I've been experiencing lately seem to be resolving themselves. Backing off on the intensity did it's job of allowing me to continue to train without aggravating any injuries.

Today's Workout:

*Keiser Resistance involves air pressure, meaning that the load placed on the system is not the same as when moving a physical mass.

Exercise 1: 1/2 Kneeling Wide Keiser Pulldown 4 sets / 12 - 15 reps / 60 seconds rest (45lbs of Keiser Resistance)

Exercise 2: TRX Inverted Row 4 sets / 12 - 15 reps / 60 seconds rest (Holding the top contraction for 2 seconds)


Exercise 3: Straight Arm Rope Pulldown 3 sets / 12 - 15 reps / no rest (100lbs) Exercise 4: Rope Face Pull 3 sets / 12 - 15 reps / 60 seconds rest (85lbs)

Exercise 5: Db Bicep Curls 3 sets / 12 - 15 reps / 60 seconds rest (30lbs)

Exercise 6: Keiser Reverse Cable Curl 3 sets / 12 - 15 reps / 60 seconds rest (25lbs of Keiser Resistance)

This workout ended up being fairly satisfying. As I said early the injuries seem to be improving. I am however, a little annoyed that I have these injuries in the first place. I think the fact that my travel workouts involved push-ups, and a lot of push-ups may have placed a little too much stress on my shoulders. My workouts weren't particularly balanced while I was away, but I made due with what I had available. That being said, I continue to move forward and I'm confident that with some patience and a little more injury prevention I can get back to some more intense workouts.