Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 251

Day 251 Today I had a pretty wide open afternoon with a lot of time to workout, but the business of fall at gym quickly put an end to that and filled up my afternoon with some unexpected training sessions. This is great for work but it suddenly made getting in the workout a little tricky. I had originally planned another upper body strength workout but instead opted to do a quick circuit of kettlebell exercises.

Today's Workout:

Kettlebell Circuit: 16 kilos

Kettlebell Swing x 30 reps Single Arm Kettlebell Clean x 10 (Right Side) Single Arm Kettlebell Front Squat x 10 (Right Side) Single Arm Kettlebell Clean x 10 (Left Side) Single Arm Kettlebell Front Squat x 10 (Left Side) Single Arm Kettlebell Snatch to Windmill x 8 (Right Side) Single Arm Kettlebell Snatch to Windmill x 8 (Left Side) Turkish Get-up x 5 (Right Side) Turkish Get-up x 5 (Left Side)

After my quick circuit with the Kettlebell I had to rush home to pick up Nicole and drive out to our last game of softball for this season. Although, softball may not be the most physically exhausting sport out there, I still find I gain a great deal of physical benefit from it. Running the bases and sprinting after balls, especially from the catches I fail to make is quite taxing. My legs the next day are usually aware that I put them to use.

We have to wait until next spring to get back to softball, but I hope to improve my skills in the interim. I plan on hitting the batting cages and maybe playing some catch now and then with Nicole. My batting average is pretty decent, but my catching average is pretty poor. Hopefully I can balance out my skills before next season.