Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 250

Day 250 I felt a little better today than yesterday. Getting a little more sleep and more into my regular routine was probably helpful. I decided to do some pretty straight forward upper body weights. I've been keeping weights on the lighter side lately. My left shoulder is feeling better than it has been it's a little more Oscar the groutch than Elmo. I feel if I can manage not to overshoot things too much, I should be back to 100% pretty soon.

Today's Workout:

Exercise 1: Bench Press 4 sets / 10 - 12 reps / 90 seconds rest

Exercise 2: Keiser Romanian Deadlift 4 sets / 6 - 8 reps / 2 minutes rest

Exercise 3: 1/2 Kneeling Keiser Inclined Chest Press 3 sets / 10 - 12 reps / 60 seconds rest

Exercise 4: Prone Leg Curl 3 sets / 6 - 8 reps / 90 seconds rest

Exercise 5: Standing Cable Chest Fly 3 sets / 12 - 15 reps / 60 seconds rest

A couple hrs after this workout I went to the Talisman Rec Centre here in Calgary to play badminton for the Glencoe as part of the corporate challenge. I used to play a lot of badminton when I was younger. In fact it was pretty much my life. Now, I play maybe once a year. I really don't know why I don't play more often. I had some pretty big dreams of winning some national titles that didn't materialize and was a little disenchanted with it for awhile, but I really do miss it.

We did ok tonight. My teammates played hard and tried their best but we came up short against a better team in the second round of our team matches. I was definitely rusty, I can't expect too much with the amount I play but I still had fun. I've mentioned it before, the gym is great but I'd really like to get some exercise in that is both strenuous and recreational. Badminton is something that I am good enough at to get an incredible workout, so I think I'm going to make a goal of playing a lot more.