Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 239

Day 239 The weeks workouts went relatively well. I was incredibly tired after my weekend with the boys at my friends stag, but I still feel I was able to salvage enough energy to put some decent work in with my workouts. Yesterday's run wasn't anything epic but the circuit with my group on Wednesday was satisfyingly torturous.

I got back to some weights today. Earlier in the week I decided to avoid exercises that involved flexing the elbow because my bicep was hurting. It felt a little bit better today so I felt up to testing the bicep a little bit more.

Today's Workout:

Exercise 1: Landmine Clean and Press 4 sets / 6 reps per side / 2 min rest (35lbs + Bar)


Exercise 2: Chin-up 4 sets / 10 reps / no rest

Exercise 3: Landmine Twist 4 sets / 20 reps (10 per side) / no rest

Exercise 4: Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat 4 sets / 8 reps per side / 90 seconds rest

The bicep hurt a little bit, especially during the chin-ups but I don't think it will be a cause for concern for too much longer. Overall, things felt really good. I wanted to do a few more exercises but got caught up talking to a client.

I haven't had a weekend at home for about a month, so I'm looking forward to bumming around the house this weekend. I'm not complaining, I love traveling but there really is no place like home.