Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 238

Day 238 I thought I had a ton of time to get a workout in today. My afternoon was pretty much wide open. All I had scheduled before having Thursday night softball at 6:30 was a visit to my client Shelagh's house. The plan was to take a quick look at a space in her basement so that I could design a home gym for her and her husband. She lived a lot further away than I had anticipated and traffic coming back into the city was quite busy due to construction, so it took much longer to get back home that I thought it would. When I got back home it was about 5:20. Softball was pretty far away, meaning Nicole and I would have to leave the house at 6:00 at the latest to make it on time. In the end I decided I had just enough time to sneak a quick hard run.

Today's Workout:

15 minute Run followed a game of Softball

I was lucky I kept the run as short as I did. About 2 minutes before I got home it started to rain and as I walked in the door it started to pour with thunder and lightning. We didn't have a great game of Softball, but I did end up doing a lot of sprinting, which would normally be a good them except that it was after balls that I had failed to catch. Tomorrow I'll likely get back to some lifting. My bicep is feeling better, so we'll see if it's ready to be testing.