Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Days 240 and 241

Day 240 The forecast for this weekend was for some amazing weather, and seeing as we are now officially in September we're not likely to have too many more weekends like this one. With that in mind I decided to make the most of it and do all of my exercising outside.

I had a few options. I had heard going for a bike ride around the Calgary reservoir was a lot of fun. I also got an invite to play some tennis with some friends and potentially hit some golf balls as well. I thought about doing them all but in the end I decided on playing tennis. I had been watching a lot of the U.S. Open on T.V and felt the each to hit some tennis balls.

The tennis was a lot of fun. It certainly wasn't U.S. Open quality and our rallies weren't very long, but ran around a lot for a good hour in close to 30 degree temperatures. The next day my legs and forearms were squawking a bit.

After playing some terrible golf last weekend at my friends Stag I've been determined to improve my golf game, so after tennis I called up another buddy of mine that's a keen golfer to go hit some balls. My game is getting better. I have no idea if what I'm doing is completely wrong, but the contact and direction of the ball is definitely improving. I normally wouldn't consider hitting balls a workout but I went through my bucket pretty quickly and tacked on at the end of an hr of tennis made it more tiring than usual.

Today's Workout:

1 hour of Tennis 30 minutes of hitting Golf Balls

Day 241:

Today I got around to doing that bike ride around the reservoir. It was another beautiful day and I couldn't resist getting out for another day in the sun. It might be somewhat ill advised for my freckly Irish skin but at least I'm getting in my last few big doses of vitamin D before the winter comes.

The bike ride was really enjoyable. I had to start off with a big hill right off the bat as I rode up 14th st from place which got the legs and the lungs going. I thought it would be just a leisurely ride but I got pretty into it and ended up really pushing myself. really enjoyed Like other things I've never done, I had no way to gauge if I was fast or not. All I know was that it was hard. I can definitely see myself doing it again. It was a really nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon. I got to see a really beautiful part of Calgary that I had never seen before.

Bike Ride around Calgary Reservoir from home and back (Approx. 90 minutes)