Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 202

Day 202 Yikes, I almost forget to post this. I got home later than usual and just completely skipped the step before bed, where I write my workout post. Oh well, as usual sleep didn't come quickly for me, so here I am writing away. It's a good thing really, feeling like I missed doing something is sure fire way for me to have bad sleep. Hopefully, after getting this done, I'll fall asleep faster.

The other day I mentioned that I was going to take the week off of weights. Well, I didn't do a good job of sticking to that plan. My first workout of the week was nothing but weight training. However, I didn't use any dumbbells, barbells or any other source of external load. My workout today consisted entirely of body weight exercise and as such resulted in more reps and less heavy loads.

Today's Workout:

Air Squats: 100

Push-ups: 100

Chin-ups: 100 10 sets of 5 for first 50 with approx 10 sec rest 5 sets of 10 for second 50

Box Jumps: 50 Followed Immediately by another 50 Air Squats

Even though it didn't involve any equipment it was still very difficult. I found myself quite out of breath. When you're only moving your own mass around, you're whole body is involved in the movement. You may not be moving a lot of weight, but everything is involved and as result, it doesn't take too long to get tired. I was quite spent after this workout. My arms felt jelly.

Well it wasn't exactly the break from the weights that I had planned, but after thinking about it, I think it wasn't necessarily a bad thing. In 10 days I will be on vacation in Ireland. I don't foresee getting to the gym a ton, while I'm there, so non weight training exercise modalities will likely take precedence. If I get a couple more sessions of lifting before I go I don't think it will be the end of world. My body will get a break from the iron when I replace my dumbbells for pints of Guinness and running up rolling hills.