Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 201

Day 201 Today I actually got around to a true regeneration day. My body has been feeling really stiff and sore lately. I needed to take it easier today and try to do something to improve the quality of muscle tissue. Early in the week I didn't have to mental capacity to sit on the bike and flush it things out, but today I felt more up to it. I still didn't enjoy sitting on my butt for 20 minutes, but I did make me feel better.

Today's Workout

Stationary Bike: Level 10 / 90 rpm / 20 minutes

Pre-hab Circuit: 3 sets / 60 sec rest between sets

  • Tubing Y x 10 (Yellow Tubing)
  • Tubing T x 10 (Yellow Tubing)
  • Tubing L x 10 (Yellow Tubing)
  • Tubing Fwd Raise x 10 (Yellow Tubing)
  • Mini Band Standing Hip Rotation x 10 per side (Blue Band)
  • Mini Band Side Shuffle x 10 per side (Blue Band)
  • Mini Band Glute Raise / Alternating Leg Lift x 5 per side

Soft Tissue Work:

Foam Rolling: 60 - 90 seconds per technique

  • Upper Back
  • Lats
  • Lower Back
  • Glutes
  • Hip Flexors
  • Quads
  • IT Bands

Strength Band Assisted Stretching

  • Band Assisted Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch: 2 minutes per side
  • Band Assisted Pigeon Stretch: 2 minutes per side

It was a helpful session, but I could still do with a bit more recovery work. I haven't been to my chiro for some active release for awhile, so first thing tomorrow I think I'll give her office a call. I always feel better after seeing Helena, however the process isn't much fun. I might also see if I can fit a massage as well. As I mentioned yesterday, I'm going to try and take the week off the weights and focus on some other forms of exercise. I think by changing up the stress on my body and adding in some more thorough recovery tools, I'll be able to come back strong next week.