Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 203

Day 203 For my workout today, I decided to focus on cardio. However, instead of doing your typical bike or treadmill session, I used a number of different exercise modalities to elevate my heart rate and keep it there for about 40 - 45 minutes.

Today's Workout:


Rowing Machine: 1000 metres (3:52)

Jam Ball Med Ball Slams: 50 reps

Treadmill: 1/2 Tabata 10 mph / 5% Inclined / 20 sec on, 10 sec off x 4

Battle Ropes: 20 sec: Double Waves 20 sec: Jumping Jacks 20 sec: Alternating Waves 60 sec: Rest Repeat Twice (3 sets Total)

Rowing Machine Pyramid:- all intervals done at sub 1:50 / 500 m pace 200 m / 30 sec rest 400 m / 30 sec rest 600 m / 30 sec rest 400 m / 30 sec rest 200 m / 30 sec rest

Band Resisted Sprints:

10 metres x 3 sprints (30 seconds between sprints)

Well I did a better job of staying away from resistance training today. The Jam ball and the battle ropes are pretty close to moving weights around but I found their main training effect to be anaerobic conditioning versus increasing strength.

Tomorrow, I'm going in for a long overdue, Active Release session with my chiropractor Helena. I have a feeling it's going to hurt a bit more than last time. I've let a little longer than I maybe should have between treatments. I'm not feeling injured or anything but I know that I could definitely benefit from some deep tissue work.

For my workout tomorrow, I think I might join my conditioning group. I put them through a really fun circuit last Wednesday. I didn't get to join in, but maybe tomorrow night I'll be able to sneak myself in.