Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 181

Day 181 Today Nicole and I stopped by the Glencoe to pick up a few things from the fitness centre. As we drove down through the neighbourhood on the way to the club it was amazing to see how much progress people had been made with their homes. Obviously, there will still be much to do, but the amount of work that had been done in the span of one week was still very impressive.

Nicole and I were originally planning on making our way back to Mount Royal University but we decided to stay at the club. The place was pretty deserted so we did our workouts there instead. My hand has been really sore for the last couple days. Turning door knobs, and opening bottles has been pretty painfulI. I decided that lifting weights was probably not a good idea. I was originally going to do some sprints on the MRU track, but seeing as the track at the club isn't the best, I ran stairs instead.

Today's Workout:

Glencoe Stairs:

5 sets (Double Steps)

1 set = bottom to top, 1/3 down, then back to top

The dust in the area around the club was a bit of a problem, like it was at my client Rick's house. My chest was feeling a bit tight about half way through my sets. I was thinking about doing 10, but I decided to cut it short. I imagine the dust around the club will be a bit of an issue for a little bit longer. I guess I will just have to limit my cardio to areas away from the flooded areas.

I'm looking forward to my workout tomorrow. Many of the members of my conditioning group have been putting their homes back to together or helping friends and family dealing with the flood damage. I thought a little fun would be a welcome change of pace for them, so tomorrow night instead of our regularly scheduled workout we are playing ultimate frisbee instead. It should be a good time.