Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 182

Day 182 Today I joined my client Ryan for his workout. Normally we would be working out for an hr but he was held up and got there about half way through. I still wanted to get a good amount of work in, so we had to condense things. I decided to pick two upper body exercises and see how many reps we could get in the time we had left.

Today's Workout

Superset: Alternate Exercise 1 and 2 with loosely 60 seconds between sets

Exercise 1: Bench Press (135lbs) 4 sets for maximum reps Set 1: 21 Set 2: 18 Set 3: 18 Set 4: 20

Total: 77

Exercise 2: Pull-ups (Strict, no kip) - Body Weight 4 sets for maximum reps Set 1: 20 Set 2: 15 Set 3: 12 Set 4: 12

Total: 59

I was actually really happy with this workout. I was pretty tired the last couple days and didn't feel like I had a ton of energy for my workouts. Today I had a lot of energy and felt quite strong. When I knocked off 20 strict pull-ups I was kind of excited and actually a little suprised.

Later in the day, I organized an ultimate frisbee night for my conditioning group. As I mentioned yesterday, many of them had had a very difficult week dealing with the floods, so I thought something fun and active would be a good way to take their minds off things. It was really hot and after about an hour of playing frisbee I think everyone was feeling pretty tired and sweaty. We rewarded ourselves by finishing the night with some pizza and a little beer.

Tomorrow, is day number 183, the half way mark. I haven't planned anything special, but we'll see what happens. I have a feeling I'll have a good amount of energy, so conditions should be good for putting forth an effort worthy of finishing 6 months of exercise without a day off.