Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 180

Day 180 For my workout today I went back to the gym at Mount Royal University. The Glencoe was open but I felt it was still best give it a couple more days before heading back. I took a break from the demolition work today, so I had a little more energy than I had the last few days. I was looking

Considering the upper body circuit I did yesterday, I thought it would be a good idea to do something that involved lower body. Squats or dead-lifts would have seemed like a logical choice, but my lower back was feeling a little burnt out. I decided to avoid heavy loads and do some light olympic weight lifting instead. It would get a lot of muscle working but wouldn't overload me too much.

Today's Workout

Exercise 1: Barbell Snatch (From Floor) 5 sets / 5 reps / 100lbs / 2 min rest

Exercise 2: Barbell Overhead Squat 4 sets / 6 reps / 100lbs / 2 min rest

Exercise 3: Barbell Jump Squat 4 sets / 6 reps / 100lbs / 2 min rest

The workout seemed to have worked out the stiffness pretty well. I thought about doing a little more than just 3 exercises but I felt it was just enough. I was a little concerned that with all of the heavy lifting last week that I'd put my back out again. Thankfully, I had no problems but I still didn't want to push it too far.

Well only 3 more days until I'm 1/2 way through to my goal of 365 days of exercise. it's pretty crazy looking back on the last 6 months. At times it seemed like time was going really slowly, yet now that I look back it, it feels like it just flew by. However, I'm not finished yet. I've still got a long way to go, but at least I'm getting to a point where I have fewer workouts left to do than I've completed.