Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 122
Day 122 This week has turned out to be a pretty tough one. Last night's sprint workout with my group left me pretty fried. I thought I'd try some light cardio to flush things out a bit, but in the end, I had lunch a little late and didn't feel like riding the bike on a full stomach. I decided instead to do another upper body session.
I've been doing a lot of flat bench press lately, so today I used the inclined bench instead. I wasn't able to use as much weight but the change in angle provided a change in stimulus from what my body has become accustomed to. If I'm to keep progressing, using variety like this will be key.
Today's Workout
Scapular Stability:
- Y's: 10 reps
- T's: 10 reps
- L's: 10 reps
- External Shoulder Rotation: 10 reps per side
- T Push-ups: 3 per side
Superset 1:
Exercise 1: Inclined Barbell Bench Press 4 sets / 8 - 10 reps / 90 sec rest Set 1: 185 x 10 Set 2: 185 x 10 Set 3: 185 x 8 Set 4: 185 x 8
Exercise 2: Wide Grip Pull-ups (Strict) 4 sets / 10 - 12 reps / 90 sec rest Set 1: Body Weight x 12 Set 2: Body Weight x 12 Set 3: Body Weight x 12 Set 4: Body Weight x 12
Superset 2
Exercise 3: Neutral Grip Machine Chest Press2 sets / 10 - 12 reps per side / 60 sec rest Set 1: 170lbs x 12 Set 2: 170lbs x 12
Exercise 4: 1 Arm Db Row 2 sets / 12 reps per side / 60 sec rest Set 1: 85lbs x 12 per side Set 2: 85lbs x 12 per side
I wanted to get more work in, but I ran out of time. Also, in hindsight I think a light bike would have been a better idea. My shoulders and triceps felt tired today, and probably could have used another day of rest. I couldn't move as much weight as I had hoped today.Tomorrow will definitely be a light one. My hamstrings are really angry with me. I think that light bike will probably happen, along with a ton of foam rolling and stretching.