Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 123

Day 123 I mentioned yesterday that this week was pretty killer. Last night the soreness in my hamstrings was actually keeping me up. Although this is really not fun, once in a while it's ok. Pushing yourself to your limit is necessary to force the body to adapt. However, without proper recovery and planned periods of reduced volume / intensity, the body will breakdown. I think this week I came close to dipping over the edge and perhaps delayed neglected recovery methods, so with that in mind I stayed true to my word and really dialed it back today. No weights, no high intensity cardio, just a light ride on the bike to flush out the junk and promote blood flow. Compared to my other workouts it really wasn't much, but it did get a sweat going and it served it's purpose. I felt much looser and my soreness

Today's Workout:

Stationary Bike: 20 minutes / Aerobic Flush (Light Intensity, Level 10 / 80 rpm)

Foam Rolling: Full Body (Extra Emphasis on Hamstrings and Hip Flexors) 1 - 2 min per technique

  • Glute Medius
  • Hip Flexors
  • Hamstrings - I spent a good 5 minutes rolling these guys out
  • Quads
  • IT Bands
  • Calves

The following Youtube link shows Physical Therapist Kelly Starrett explaining how to get the most out of foam rolling

Deep thorough Stretch 30 - 60 seconds per side per stretch

  • Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
  • Pigeon Stretch
  • Frog Adductor Stretch
  • Side Lying Quad Stretch
  • Downward Dog Calf March
  • Active Hamstring Stretch

I'm sure tomorrow I will still have a bit of soreness, but I think I should feel well enough to return my normal workout intensity. I won't crush it, but I will definitely get things going. Nicole said she would like to do the stairs, so that may be part of the workout recipe.