Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 121

Day 121 After working out with Jared "Squat Master" Alvey yesterday, my legs were definitely talking to me today. I went back and forth in my head all day whether I would join my group for a sprint session in the evening or spare my legs the hard work and just ride the bike instead and stretch it out. As the day went on I started to loosen up and was really starting to feel the idea of running fast.

I didn't do the whole workout with my group as there were moments where I had to coach them through parts of the session. Below are the components of tonight's workout that I took part in.

Today's Workout:


Mini-Band Series:(Green Mini Band around the knees)

  • External Hip Rotations: 10 per side
  • Fwd / Bwd Walk (Athletic Stance): 20 steps each direction
  • Lateral Shuffle: 10 steps each direction
  • Skater (around ankles): 10 per side
  • Marching (around feet): 10 per side

Dynamic Stretching Series:

  • Walking Knee Hugs
  • Reverse Reaching Lunge
  • Bowler Hamstring Stretch
  • Walking Quad Stretch
  • Lateral Lunge
  • Rotational Lunge
  • Sumo Squat Stand
  • World's Greatest Stretch

General Strength / Stability Series: 2 rounds

  • Single Leg Squat: 10 reps per side
  • Airplane Hold: 20 sec per side
  • T Push-ups: 3 per side
  • Sumo Push-ups: 5 reps
  • Crocodile Push-up Hold: 10 seconds
  • T push-ups: 3 per side

Med Ball Circuit: 5 kg Ball

  • Squat / Fwd Chest Pass: 10 reps
  • Side Toss:10 reps per side
  • Overhead Slam: 10 reps
  • Squat Jumps: 10 reps

Movement Session:

Falling Starts: 4 reps x 10 metre starts / 30 seconds rest

30 metre Sprints:8 reps / 30 - 45 seconds rest

BB's / 3 sets / 90 seconds rest 1 set = Sprint 10 metres / Jog 20 metres back Sprint 20 metres / Jog 20 metres back Sprint 30 metres / Jog 30 metres back Sprint 40 metres / Jog 40 metres back

Super BB x 1 set = 1 BB set  / rest 30 seconds / repeat 1 more BB set

Tonight my group totally killed it. I think tomorrow there will be more than a couple people with some sore hamstrings, myself being one of them. Workout 122 will probably not involve too much lower body. An upper body lift session will likely be on the menu along with a pile of stretching and foam rolling. I might try to get a massage this weekend.