Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 332

Day 332: Today I wanted to do some sprinting. As I mentioned yesterday, I haven't sprinted for a while. I'm not sure why, I guess It's just not very convenient considering that where I work and train we don't have a decent track. So to make sure I could get the most out of some sprints today, I used a good 200 metre track at a public fitness facility called the Talisman Centre.

I had a terrible sleep last night, so I was really not feeling like running fast. I knew the only way I was going do perform well was if I managed to get wake up my body. I decided to spend a good 20 minutes warming up before doing a single sprint.

Today's Workout:

Track Warm-up

  • Fwd Skip (Double Arm Swing)
  • Fwd Skip (Alternating Arm Swing)
  • Lateral Shuffle (Arm Scissors)
  • Ankle Skip
  • 2 step / Fwd Leg Swing
  • Ankle Run
  • 2 step drop lunge
  • Side Leg Swing: 10 per side

Section 1: Accelerations 4 sets / 20 metres / 45 seconds rest Set 1: 80% Set 2: 85% Set 3: 90% Set 4: 90%

Section 2: Sprints 4 sets / 60 metres / 60 seconds rest Set 1: 75% Set 2: 80% Set 3: 85% Set 4: 90%

The sprints went pretty well. In the past my hip flexors have given me a little bit of grief when I sprint, but today they felt fine. I didn't feel very fast. I think my tank was a little drained from the lack of sleep.

After the sprints, I decided to work on some Olympic lifting. Like sprinting, Olympic lifting involves explosive muscle contractions. Considering I didn't perform that well on the track, I wasn't expecting to do a great job with my Olympic lifts.

Section 3: Olympic Lifting 3 minutes rest between sets.

Set 1: Clean Pull / 135lbs x 5 Set 2: Clean Pull / 135lbs x 5 Set 3: Power Clean / 135lbs x 5 Set 4: Power Clean / 135lbs x 5 Set 5: Squat Clean / 185lbs x 3 Set 6: Squat Clean / 185lbs x 3 Set 7: Squat Clean / 185bs x 3

As I expected the lifting didn't go too well. it wasn't terrible but I just felt really slow. Hopefully, I can get a better sleep tonight and recover some energy. I don't plan on doing anything too fast or explosive tomorrow, but recouping some explosive will be satisfying. I don't like feeling slow.