Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 331

Day 331 I was quite happy this morning when I woke up and wasn't super sore from my three training sessions yesterday. I'm feeling quite strong and healthy as I approach the home stretch here. I feel If I can keep going at my current pace, not only will I finish out the year but I think I can still make some significant improvements.

Even though I was too beat up after yesterday's monster workout, I decided that today's workout should be much less ambitious. I took a break from the weights and any circuit training and did some pretty basic cardio instead.

Today's Workout:

Stationary Bike: 25 minutes / Light to Medium Intensity (Level 8 - 10 / 95 - 100 rpm)

The bike ride didn't take too much out of me. The intensity and the duration was just enough to break a sweat and loosen up my legs. It's never a lot of fun to just sit and spin your legs for half an hour but it was beneficial in the grand scheme of things. I expect tomorrow to feel really fresh and ready for some tough workouts.

Tomorrow, I may actually do some track sprints. I haven't done any sprinting for a long time. I'm not sure how they'll go, but I'm looking forward to giving them a try. Nothing makes you feel like you're getting a lot work done, like sprints.