Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 254

Day 254 I decided today that it was long over due for a regeneration day. I've been cutting corners lately with things like warm-ups and injury prevention so that I could get my workouts in and as a result my body has been a little grump with me. I've been reading up on some new ways to improve mobility and prevent injuries, so I took the opportunity today to try some of them out.

Today's Workout:

Myofascial Release:

Foam Roll: 30 - 60 seconds per technique - Upper Spine - Lats - Obliques - Glutes - Hip Flexors - IT Bands - Calves


Strength Band Distraction Stretches - Lat Stretch - External Rotation - Hip Flexor - Pigeon (Hip Rotators) - Adductors (Deep Squat)


1. Side Lying Mini Band External Hip Rotation: 10 reps per side 2. Marching Glute Bridge: 10 reps per side 3. Deadbug: 10 reps per side 4. 1/2 Kneeling Downward Stability Chop: 10 reps per side 5. 1/2 Kneeling Upward Stability Lift: 10 reps per side 6. Kettlebell Arm Bar: 10 reps per side (24 kg) 7. Single Leg Squat: 10 reps per side

It certainly wasn't the most taxing of workouts, but I felt like it was very productive. When I got home I decided to quickly do a body weight circuit, just so I could feel like I got the blood pumping today.

Warrior Body Weight Circuit:

Air Squats x 25 In / Outs x 25 Judo Push-ups x 25 Sprinter Sit-up x 25 per side

100 reps x 2 sets (200 reps total)