Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 235

Day 235 Well it appears that being in better shape does not help with hangovers. I've had bad hangovers in the past, but I can't remember the last time one lasted 2 days. I had a great time a the stag but my body and my brain have not been happy.

I've been taking really good care of myself. My body can tolerate a few things better than I could have last year, but alcohol it would seem is not one of them. I'm not crushed by this fact. I like a beer or a glass of wine every now and then but I think my days of shots will be far and few between in the future.

I felt better as the day wore on and by the late afternoon I was actually feeling pretty close to normal. I wasn't likely going to set any PBs in the gym but I did feel up to getting a decent sweat going. For my workout today, I decided to throw together something a little more heart rate oriented. I thought about some weights but I was surprisingly sore from my workout at the cabin and thought maybe an extra day would be a good idea before lifting again.

Today's Workout:

Exercise 1: Rowing Machine 2000 metres (7:55)

Exercise 2: Kettlebell Swing 3 sets / 50 reps / 45 seconds rest

Exercise 3: TRX Atomic Push-up 3 sets / 15 reps / 45 seconds rest

Exercise 4: Versa Climber 3 sets / 100 feet (60 seconds per set) / 60 seconds rest

Well exercise is unfailing in it's ability to make me feel better. I always feel like a new person after a workout. My plan is to push pretty hard this week. Even though the stag festivities may have knocked me on my butt, I was feeling pretty good about my workouts since being back from Europe and I want to gain back some momentum.