Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 232

Day 232 My friend Steve Smith, his son Rocky and I were a playground workout team today. I was originally planning on a quick lift in the gym today, but Steve was adamant that we take advantage of the nice weather and work up a sweat outside.

I gathered up some high resistance tubing and a strength band and joined Steve and Rocky at the playground attached the school up the hill from the Glencoe. Steve and I made our way through a series of chin-up variations, and tubing exercises, while Rocky did some jumping, some spinning around, growling like the hulk and multiple sets of climbing a ladder then going down the slide. His work ethic is pretty impressive for a 3 year old.

Today's Workout:

Playground Workout With Steve and Rocky Smith

Exercise 1: Burpees x 50

Exercise 2: Shoulder Width Pull-up x 10

Exercise 3: Narrow Side to Side Neutral Grip Chin-up x 10 (5 per side)

Exercise 4: Wide Grip Pull-up x 10

Exercise 5: Standard Chin-up x 10

Exercise 6: Strength Band Resisted Push-up x 50

Exercise 7: Downward Tubing Chop (Purple) x 50 per side

Well as I mentioned I was originally hoping to workout in the gym but I'm glad Steve convinced me to workout outside. It was a beautiful day. We worked really hard and I always up for spending time with 3 year olds, especially ones that love the Incredible Hulk.