Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 209

Day 209 I woke up this morning feeling pretty yucky. My cold had progressed from my head into my chest. I wasn't super sick, but I definitely felt compromised. My hope is that if I can pound enough vitamins and get enough sleep, I'll be able to kick this thing before I leave for Ireland this weekend.

As I mentioned yesterday, I was thinking about doing a little more heavy lifting this week. Being away on vacation next week, will likely mean a little less access to the iron, so I'm going to try and get some weights in while I can.

Today's Workout

Exercise 1: Front Squat 6 sets / 2 min rest between sets Set 1: 135lbs x 6 Set 2: 155lbs x 6 Set 3: 175lbs x 6 Set 4: 195lbs x 6 Set 5: 195lbs x 6 Set 6: 205lbs x 6

Exercise 2: Inclined Barbell Press 4 sets / 2 min rest between sets Set 1: 135lbs x 8 Set 2: 185lbs x 5 Set 3: 185lbs x 5 Set 4: 185lbs x 5

It felt good to get under some heavy weight. My cold didn't affect me too much. I felt a little more out of breath after the front squats than I normally would but overall I think I did well. Hopefully by tomorrow this cold will be on the way out. It hasn't been too bad, just a real nuisance.

My workout tomorrow will likely be another strength focused day. Like today, I'll keep the number of exercises limited but high in total sets. If I'm feeling better, I may add a bit more variety, but overall the goal will be to pick a couple exercises that give the best bang for my buck and work away.