Richard's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 207 and 208

This weekend was got away on me a little bit. Yesterday I just couldn't find time to sit down at the computer, so today I'm including yesterday's workout posts with today's. Day 207 (Saturday)

This morning we took Nicole's Mom out for a birthday hike and picnic. Her birthday is actually next weekend, but because we will be away in Europe, we decided to celebrate a week early. The weather wasn't great but the trail we hiked was still enjoyable. The idea was just to get out and enjoy being in the mountains. We weren't looking for anything too vigorous.

After about 45 minutes, we stopped and found a spot for a picnic. Despite the rain and the mosquitoes, we had a nice little meal. Things got very entertaining when Nicole's Mom put this Chinese oil on her forehead to ward off the bugs. The next thing we knew there was this overwhelming smell of Tiger Balm. The oil was burning her skin and the vapor was so strong that she couldn't open her eyes. Hilarity ensued as we tried everything we could to get the oil off with the limited means we had in the middle of the woods. In the end it took Nicole rubbing half a strawberry on her Mom's forehead to stop the burning. I have no idea how it worked but it did.

When we got back into town after a really nice time in the mountains, we had a few errands to do before meeting some friends for dinner. Next thing I knew I had an hr to workout, have a shower, get dressed and leave for dinner. I thought about going for a quick run, but I had forgotten my runners at work. In the end I decided to do a quick body weight workout in my bed room.

Today's Workout:

Air Squats (Body Weight Squats): 100 reps Push-ups: 50 reps

x 5 = 500 squats / 250 push-ups (Approx. 20 minutes)

It was just two really simple exercises, but they definitely did the trick. I had to wait a few minutes after finishing to stop sweating before taking a shower. I haven't been able to push as much weight on the bench lately as earlier in the year, but my push-up endurance is quite impressive at the moment. The 5 sets of 50 push-ups were actually pretty easy. I can see myself using this workout as a go to session while I'm traveling.

Day 208 (Sunday)

In less than a week Nicole and I will be leaving for Ireland. We figured that today would be our only real day to get ourselves organized for the trip because with our work schedules during the week we'd have no time to get anything done. Nicole did all the various things around the house while I drove around, making trips to home depot, the mall, and the grocery store.

I feel like a bit of a broken record, but once again the day flew by and my workout, like yesterday had to be squeezed in. I had borrowed a dolly from work to move some boxes at home, so when I brought it back half an hr before the club closed, I quickly popped up to the gym and put together a workout.

Today's Workout

Turkish Get-ups: 50 reps (12kg) 25 left / 25 right (Continuous)

Kettlebell Swings: 100 reps (16kg)

Chin-ups: 50 reps (no kip) 23, 12, 8, 7

The Turkish Get-ups were a lot more difficult than I had expected. I lay on the ground for a couple minutes after finishing, trying to catch my breath. The kettlebell swings weren't that difficult. I'm getting fairly efficient at them, where as I haven't been doing enough get-ups to develop the same kind of proficiency. Chin-ups however, I've been doing boat loads, and performed them pretty well as I expected.

Well I didn't exactly take the week off strength training as I had planned, but I did back off lifting weights. I used mostly body weight and circuit training workouts. This week, I may actually get back to lifting some heavier weights again. I don't think I'll be able to get to a gym very often while we're away, so I might as well get in a few heavy lifts before we leave.