Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 195

Day 195 After really enjoying getting into some Olympic lifts on the weekend, I decided to work on some snatches today. On the weekend, I was able to get under some weights that I hadn't been able to before, so I was keen to keep working on it.

Today's Workout

Warm-up: 500 Metre Row (2:05)

Db Complex: 10 lbs

  • Backwards Arm Circles: 5 per side
  • Full Fwd Raise: 10 reps
  • Squat to Press: 10 reps
  • Reverse Lunge / Lateral Raise: 5 per side
  • Db Punches: 10 reps

Olympic Lifting Component - 2 min between sets

Exercise 1: Hang Snatch Set 1: 5 x 95lbs Set 2: 5 x 95lbs Exercise 2: Hang Squat Snatch Set 1: 5 x 95lbs Set 2: 5 x 95lbs Exercise 3: Squat Snatch (Floor) Set 1: 5 x 95lbs Set 2: 5 x 95lbs

I didn't push the weights too much with the snatches instead I decided to work more on getting under the bar into the deep overhead squat position. My hips and lower back felt a bit stiff, so I took me a little bit feel comfortable, but overall, I has happy with how I did.

After the Olympic lifting, I decided to work on some upper body strength a bench press / pull-up superset. I've felt my strength has been progressing with pulling movements, but my bench has kind of stalled a bit.

Upper Strength Component


Exercise 4: Bench Press (60 sec rest after each set) Set 1: 10 x 135lbs (2 sec pause at bottom, explode up) Set 2: 8 x 205lbs Set 3: 8 x 205lbs Set 4: 10 x 155lbs (2 sec pause at bottom, explode up)

Exercise 5: Release Pull-up (Release hands, launching chest above bar as high as possible) - 90 sec rest after each set Set 1: BW x 10 Set 2: BW x 10 Set 3: BW x 10 Set 4: BW x 10

I wasn't able to get as many reps on the bench as I'd hoped but it wasn't necessarily a poor showing. I just have to get back to moving some heavier weights. The pull-ups went really well. I was able to get my chest pretty high above the bar. I've been spending a lot of time on my chin-up and pull-up movements so I wasn't surprised that things were working well.

Tomorrow, I have a pretty crazy day. I have training sessions booked back to to back from 7 am until 6 pm, so needless to say making time for a workout is going to be tough. The question will be how I am going to feel at the end of the day. We'll see, but regardless I'm getting in a workout.