Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 193

Day 193 Nicole and I went to the Royal Glenora club for our workout this morning. As I've mentioned before, I enjoy working out at the Glenora because they have a sports performance room where you can throw med balls against walls and drop weights when you're doing things like cleans and snatches.

Today's Workout:

Medicine Ball Circuit: 3 sets / no rest between exercises / 1 minute rest between sets

  • Med Ball Slams x 10
  • Med Ball Fwd Chest Pass x 10
  • Med Ball Side Toss x 10 per side
  • Vertical Toss x 5

Olympic Lifting Component

Exercise 1: Squat Cleans 4 sets / 4 reps / 2 min rest (60 kg)

Super set

Exercise 2: Clean Pull 4 sets / 4 reps / 1 min rest (80 kg) Exercise 3: Muscle Up Attempts 4 sets / 5 attempts (none successful but close)

Skipping Doubles: 100 reps

I mixed in a few sets of muscle up attempts. Unfortunately, I didn't have any succesful attempts, although I was getting pretty close. I don't understand how a week ago, I was able to do a couple muscle ups and now I can't. Oh well, I'll figure it out.

My Olympic lifting on the other hand went quite well. I didn't go very heavy with my cleans, but I felt really good about my timing. In fact things felt so good that I tried a couple snatches with 60 kgs and was successful. I know for some people this is not very heavy, but it's more than I've ever snatched. For some reason I've always had a mental block with putting more than 50 kgs over my head. I now know I can do it, so I feel reproducing that effort will be a lot easier going forward.

Tomorrow, will be another travel day, as Nicole and I will be heading back down to Calgary. The plan is to try and sneak in another workout at the Glenora, and perhaps even play some badminton. However, nothing is set in stone and ultimately everything will depend on what time I get out of bed tomorrow. One thing is for sure, from my sisters chocolate cakes to gelato after dinner, I've definitely been taking in the calories. So regardless of when it happens getting in some form of caloric expenditure tomorrow will be a good idea.