Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 192

Day 192 This morning I had a full morning of work and as I predicted a workout before my first training session did not happen. That meant that with my plans of driving to Edmonton in the afternoon, getting in my workout before the days end would be tough.

Nicole and I got to my parents place just in time for a nice home cooked meal. Bison burgers, lamb burgers, and chocolate cake, all fantastic but not exactly what you want in your stomach when you have to workout, especially when the workout you choose is swimming.

I'm not exactly sure why I chose swimming. As I've mentioned before I am absolutely terrible at swimming but for some reason going down to the Glenora club and getting in the pool seemed like a good option.

Today's Workout: Swimming

Flutter Board: 8 lengths (20 seconds rest between lengths) Front Crawl: 8 lengths (30 - 40 seconds rest between lengths)

This was really hard and once again incredibly humbling. It took me 20 minutes to do what some people could do in less than 10, but I legitimately pushed as hard as I could. I really do need to make the time to take some swimming lessons. It never fails to amaze me how people can swim and swim and seemingly not get tired. I get about half a length when every muscle in my body and my lungs start to burn. With each subsequent length the end of the pool seems further and further away. Lets hope I don't have to do any open water swims anytime soon.

Tomorrow, Nicole and I will be hitting the Royal Glenora gym. Aside from being spent from the the swimming my body feels really good, so I'm looking forward to being able to do a really good tough workout tomorrow. However, I still have to do my foam rolling.