Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 190

Day 190 Last night because of the torrential rain earlier in the day, I decided to cancel my conditioning class. The grass was just too wet and the parking lot we usually do our warm-up in was pretty much a  swamp. However, I wanted to make sure that my group didn't miss out on a session, so I decided to run a make up class tonight.

For our workout tonight I joined in but I'm afraid to say that my body didn't hold up as well as I wanted. I managed to do most of the workout but about halfway through our sprints my right quad started to seize up on me. I'm not really sure why it happened. I felt pretty good going into the workout, but I guess I still hadn't recovered fully from last week. I usually didn't warm-up quite as much as my group because I had to spend some of the time instructing.

Today's Workout

Dynamic Stretches:

  • Walking Knee Hug 3 per side
  • Walking Leg Cradle 3 per side
  • Reverse Reaching Lunge 3 per side
  • Lateral Lunge 3 per side
  • Inverted Hamstring 3 per side
  • Hand-Walk 4 reps
  • World's Greatest Stretch 3 per side

Ladder Series

  • High Knees
  • 2 in 2 out
  • Skier
  • Cross-over
  • Zig Zag
  • Ankle Hop (Every Square)
  • Ankle Hop (Skip a Square)

Hurdle Hops

  • Single Leg Hop (Stick Landing) 2 sets / 5 reps per leg
  • Single Leg Hop (Double Contact) 2 sets / 5 reps per leg
  • Single Leg Hop (Continuous) 2 sets / 5 reps per leg

10 metre Hill Sprints

5 reps / 90% intensity / 30 seconds rest

20 Metre Sprints

2 reps / 90% intensity / 50 seconds rest (I wanted to do 2 more but more right quad started to seize up, so I cut these sprints short)

Body Weight Circuit: 2 sets / rest 60 sec between sets

  • Burpees x 10
  • Walking Lunges x 10 metres
  • Push-ups x 20
  • Split Jumps x 20
  • Bear-walk x 10 metres
  • V-Sits x 20

I don't think my leg will be too much of an issue. I think I stopped just in time. However, I will have to baby it a little bit over the next couple days. I've obviously let things get a little too tight. Stretching and improving the tissue quality of my muscles will have to be a priority going forward, so that this doesn't happen again.