Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 189

Day 189 I woke up today feeling good and ready for the coming week. The stiffness I was complaining about on the weekend was gone, so I felt optimistic about putting in some good efforts for my workouts this week.

Last night just before I went to bed I got an email from Pete Estabrooks, the editor of Impact magazine, asking if I would help out with a photoshoot. He had originally asked my co-worker Philip who was unable to to but was nice enough to refer Pete to me. I wasn't sure initially if I wanted to do it, but I thought why not. It would give me some exposure beyond the Glencoe and it would something different than what I normally do on a Monday.

Pete asked me to come up with an interesting strength movement that used a lot of muscle at once, so that they could photograph it and use it as part of a workout series for the magazine. I had a few ideas, but wasn't sure which one I wanted, so when I joined my client Ryan for his workout I tried some of them out.

Today's Workout

Exercise 1: Barbell Sprawl Deadlift: 4 sets / 8 reps / 90 sec rest

Exercise 2: Barbell Roll-out Push-up / Bent-Over Row: 4 sets / 10 reps / 90 sec rest

Exercise 3: Barbell Front Squats: 4 sets / 6 reps / 90 sec rest

Exercise 4: Cable Cross-Over Lunge to Twist: 2 sets / 8 reps per side / 60 sec rest

I showed Pete exercises 1, 2, and 4. He thought the Barbell Roll-out Push-up / Bent-Over Row was the best so we decided to use that one. They took a lot of photos from multiple angles, so I guess I could actually say I did a lot more reps than I have claimed for my workout. Either way it was fun, and I got a new shirt and pair of shorts from Lululemon to wear during the shoot.

Earlier in the day when I went to Lulu, the girl at the store told me that Pete wanted us to wear something bright and tight. She then proceeded to so me the compression shorts that he would be wearing for his photos. I said that it was probably not my style but that I'd try them on. I think I had them on for about 2 seconds. Definitely not my style. In the end I found a really nice pair of shorts and a shirt.

Tomorrow is a really busy day at work, so finding time for my workout will not be easy. I will either have to happen before 7 am or after 5 pm. My money is definitely on 5 pm, but you never no.