Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 161

Day 161 With the amount of running I've been doing lately I felt today would be a good day for moving around some weights, so I decided to do a little bit of Olympic Weight lifting this afternoon. As I've mentioned in the past, doing exercises like cleans and snatches has set off my lower back from time to time. However, things have been feeling really good lately, so I felt confident about getting back into them. That being said, I didn't go crazy. I'm a little out of practice and my timing is off, so I would be more likely to hurt myself if I went too heavy.

Today's Workout:

Exercise 1: Barbell Complex (5 reps each / 85lbs / 90 seconds rest)

  • Hang Pull
  • Clean + Jerk
  • Jump Squats
  • Bent-Over Row

Exercise 2: Power Clean 4 sets / 5 reps / 155lbs / 2 min rest

Exercise 3: Barbell Front Squat 4 sets / 5 reps / 185lbs / 2 min rest


Exercise 4: Jam Ball Slam 2 sets / 15 reps / 30 lbs / no rest

Exercise 5: Kettlebell Farmers Walk 2 sets / 30 seconds / 1 min rest

The lifting went well. As I suspected my lifting technique was a little off but it got better as I got into it. One really positive thing is that my legs feel really strong. My front squats felt really easy.

After the lifting session I decided to join in with my conditioning group in the evening for another big circuit. I coached them through the first set then joined in for the second.

Part 2: Conditioning Circuit - 60 seconds per exercise

  1. Stair Sprint
  2. Agility Ladder
  3. Jam Ball Slams
  4. Squat Jumps
  5. Kettlebell Swings
  6. Pylon Hop
  7. Med Ball Side Toss
  8. Mini Band Walk (Forward / Backward)
  9. Skater Jumps
  10. Side to Side Cone Shuffle
  11. Push-ups
  12. Split Jumps
  13. Battle Ropes
  14. Wind Sprints
  15. Squat jacks
  16. Alternating Fwd Lunges

It started to rain as we ran through final 10 minutes of the workout, which was actually really nice. Everyone was working really hard, so being able to cool off was more than welcome.

Tomorrow, I might ride my bike to work to sneak in a little extra cardio. I'll probably hit the weights for a little upper body as well. A couple of my clients have said I'm looking a little skinny, something I've been hoping to avoid, so I guess I'd better have an extra big breakfast and move some weights.