Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 160

Day 160 The light lift session I did yesterday seemed to have worked out the stiffness from earlier in the week. I felt much better when I woke up this morning. I didn't have anything too ambitious planned but it was nice to feel good and ready for a workout.

This afternoon I decided to go for a decently long run, but the weather seemed to have other ideas. I stopped by the techshop during my run to ironically check if my running rain jacket had come in, but it wasn't in and when I got outside it started to pour. I bailed on the idea of a long run and tried to get back home as fast as I could.

Today's Workout

4 mile run:

- 1st 2 miles, approx. 18 minutes (9:00 / mile pace) - 2nd 2 miles, approx.14 minutes (7:00 / mile pace)

I was a little worried about my iPhone, as I didn't have any pockets to put it in and it was getting quite wet. By the time I got about 1/2 way home the wind was gusting and the rain was getting heavier, so I quickly hid in the entrance of the best buy on 17th ave. I found a dry patch on my t-shirt and wiped off my phone. it was working fine, so luckily I hadn't done any damage. I'm ashamed to say I have a bit of an addiction to that thing and would not handle my phone being fried very well. I got home completely soaked but quite satisfied. I felt like I had really worked hard. Something about running in the rain is both awful and tremendously satisfying at the same time.

I worked up quite an appetite, which I brought and definitely put to a use a couple hours later at a party for some friends who had just gotten married. I really like food and one of the great perks of working out everyday is that I seem to be able to eat a lot more and not gain any weight. If anything I'm struggling a little bit to maintain my weight. Oh well more lifting and little more dessert.