Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 133
Day 133 Today marked my second week of German Volume Training. Last Monday I did a superset with chin-ups and back squats for my 10 sets of 10. Today the squat rack was busy and if I'm being really honest I was feeling pretty tired, so I wussed out and used the leg press instead. I still did the chin-ups and unlike last week where I ran out of time and had to split my workout into 2, 5 set sessions, I did all 10 sets in the same session. This made the chin-ups significantly harder, but I still managed to do 10 reps for all 10 sets.
Today's Workout:
Exercise 1: Chin-ups 10 sets / 10 reps: BW x 10 / 60 sec rest
Exercise 2: Leg Press 10 sets / 10 reps: 500 lbs x 10 / 60 sec rest
I wanted to join my group for our conditioning session this evening but I was trying something new and had to coach people through the workout. Next time I think people will have a better idea of the how the workout flows and I'll be able to join in. Below is the workout I ran my group through:
60 seconds per exercise / 2 rounds through
- Stair Sprinting
- Agility Ladder
- 5 metre Lateral Shuffle
- Battle Ropes / Burpees (30 seconds each)
- Skipping
- Kettlebell Swings
- Suicide Sprints
- V-sits / Push-ups (30 seconds each)
- Med Ball Tosses (Various different throws against brick wall)
- Cement Barrier Box Jumps / Tricep Dips
- Squat Jacks
- Split Jumps
- Skater Jumps
We followed the circuit with 10 minutes of 100 metre hill sprints. The goal was simply to do as many sprints as possible in 10 minutes. I think most people managed about 3 or 4.
I know the bottom part wasn't technically my workout, but I felt including it would make this post a lot more interesting that posting a workout virtually the same as one I completed last week. I might try doing a similar circuit workout for myself tomorrow.
One of the stations we used for our circuit was battleropes: Below is a youtube link showing some of the many exercise variations possible with battle ropes. Enjoy.