Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 132

Day 132 Today was Mother's Day. The day where we celebrate the one woman who has nurtured us from birth, clothed us, fed us, and maybe occasionally given us a smack on the bum. It is also the day where people frequently will engage in the massive Mother's Day brunch. I was one of those brunch frequenters, and I have to say I did a pretty good job. However, brunch and exercise don't usually mix too well.

After feeling full all day and slipping into a food coma this afternoon, I eventually mustered up the energy to do a workout. I didn't feel up to anything too long. My hamstring was feeling better, so I was able to sneak in a little bit of running. I decided to go back to my trusty nearby playground and do a really quick 3 exercise circuit.

Today's Workout

Run 3 blocks to neighbourhood playground and perform the following circuit

  • Skipping Double Unders: 50 reps
  • Push-ups: 50 reps
  • Hanging Knee Raises (Knees to Elbows): 15 reps

Perform 3 rounds without resting

Run 3 blocks back home.

It wasn't the most epic of workouts, but as I mentioned yesterday, motivation is tough on the weekends. It was pretty fun little circuit. It didn't bother my hamstring at all, and it worked up a decent sweat, which considering what ate for brunch today was definitely a good thing. I'll likely wait at least until Father's Day until I have gummy worms and chocolate mouse.