Richard Gibney's 365 Day's of Fitness: Day 130

Day 130 With yesterday being a big day of exercise, today was a much more condensed session by comparison. I was thinking that I might try some yoga this morning at our Friday morning staff yoga class, but I'm pretty sure I tweaked my hamstring last night at softball. The last thing the back of my leg was going to let me do today was stretch it. I don't think it's anything serious, just something I'll have to baby for a couple days.

For my workout today I decided to continue with the German Volume Training theme, this time focusing on shoulders. However, instead of sticking with one exercise for all 10 sets, I split the workout into 2 exercises, using 5 reps each. I didn't want to do any pressing as my triceps were pretty tired from yesterday, so I chose 2 variations of dumbbell raises to isolate the deltoids without involving the triceps.

For the sake of efficiency and just good thorough training I integrated core training into my rest periods. This meant that while my shoulders were recovering I was able to get my core work in as well. Standing around doing just one exercise isn't too much fun.

Today's Workout

Cable Chop / Lift Superset

Exercise 1: Downward Cable Chop 3 sets / 10 reps per side: 10 reps x 70lbs / no rest

Exercise 2: Upward Cable Lift 3 sets / 10 reps per side: 10 reps x 70lbs / 60 sec rest

German Volume Training Day 4: Shoulders mixed with core

GVT Exercise 1: Dumbbell Lateral Raise 5 sets / 10 reps: 10 reps x 17.5lbs / rest 60 sec Sets 1 - 3 Superset with TRX Superman Fall-out (3 sets / 10 reps) Sets 4 - 5 Superset with TRX Hip Drop Oblique Crunch (2 sets / 10 reps per side)

GVT Exercise 2: Bent-Over Reverse Db Fly 5 sets / 10 reps: 10 reps x 17.5lbs / rest 60 sec Set 1 Superset with TRX Hip Drop Oblique Crunch (1 set / 10 reps per side) Set 2 - 4 Superset with Overhead Med Ball Slam (3 sets / 10 reps) Set 5 no superset

Below is a video of the Overhead Med Ball Slam (One of my favorite exercises)

I was going to try another run this weekend, but unfortunately with my hammy under the weather I'll have to change plans. I could see how the bike feels and try some intervals if it feels ok. This Softball is a lot of fun but it's hell on my body. Last year by the end of the summer season I had strained my hip flexor and had been hit in the face with a line drive. I'm hoping I've had my share of injuries for this season. Next week I'll do a good warm-up and maybe wear some compression shorts.