Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 129

Day 129 Today was a pretty busy exercise day. I continued with the German Volume Training protocol in the morning with a could old fashioned biceps and triceps superset. I've mentioned before, arms day isn't going to help you win any athletic competitions, but a good arm pump is pretty addictive. I also included a little bit of injury prevention work for good measure. By using my rest periods between sets to open up my hip flexors and work on scapular stability I was able to get some more overall training benefits other than jacking up my arms and stroking my ego.

Later in the afternoon I did a 45 minute run, which I'm guessing was about 8km. As I mentioned in an early post I've agreed to do to the Kananaskis Relay race, where I will likely have to run pretty close to 16km. I thought I'd would try a decently long run just to see how I felt. It was fine, although it was doing my head in the whole time. Philosophically I'm not a big fan of long duration cardiovascular training. There's so many other things I'd rather do with 45 minutes not too mention the fact that's it's extremely catabolic. As I'm running I imagine myself ripping off my muscles and throwing them away like Robbie Williams in Rock DJ. I could probably survive the race without doing too much endurance training but I don't want to run the risk of injuring myself, so I'm going to mix in a bit of long stuff over the next month.

Here's the Rock DJ video to illustrate how I feel about what happens during long duration cardio. You have to watch until the end to see what I mean.


After work I joined my softball team the "Chucking Muffins" for our first game of the spring season. It was a blast. I don't get to see a lot of my teammates very much outside of softball season, so it was really nice to see them again. We had a really tight game, winning 17-16. I had a great game, scoring one home run and catching a couple deep hits to the outfield. However, my left knee and hamstring are a little fired up from running the bases. I was hoping my knee wouldn't bother me, but apparently I still have some work to do on it.

Today's Workout Part 1 German Volume Training Day 3: Triceps and Biceps

Superset 1:

Exercise 1: Ez Curl Skull Crusher (Tricep Extension 10 sets / 10 reps: 10 x 75lbs (60 sec rest)

- Correcive Exercise 1 (During rest period): Kneeling Quad Hip Flexor Stretch (10 x 3 sec holds per side)

Exercise 2: Db Bicep Curl 10 sets / 10 reps: 10 x 35lbs (60 sec rest)

- Corrective Exercise 2 (During rest period): Db T (15 reps)

Part 2

45 minute run (Light to Medium Intensity) Glencoe to 4th St - 4th St to 17th Ave - 17th Ave to 14th St - 14th St to 33rd Ave - 33rd Ave to Glencoe Club (I understand this probably doesn't mean much if you don't live in the area)

Part 3

Soft Ball with the Chucking Muffins: We won 17-16.

Tomorrow I might hit up some Yoga if my hamstring feels ok, if not I work on some core and some more injury prevention, but then again I may change my mind and do something completely different.